Wednesday, April 18, 2012

If You Build It They Will Come

I should have named my blog TABLE TALK... Hahahaha. I guess I just love my table. :)

I enjoy spending time alone. I find myself reading, listening to music, eating chocolate, drinking lovely wine, gardening, singing, dancing, running, and writing during my "me time." Sometimes I forget just how much I love having my friends over. I remember having a vision of a long white table with  mix matched chairs and pillows. Clearly hearing the voices of my friend's laughter. I dreamt hard and long about my beautiful house and how I would have dinner and gardening parties, teatime, wine tastings and cook alongs.

I probably spent my first 8 years in the city of Los Angeles telling myself that I would wait until I had my house before I bought the furniture I really liked or had friends and family visit. I didn't garden or paint my walls in my apartments because I was always on my way out in my mind. I looked at them as a "temporary situation." Well temporary becomes a long time in life sometimes doesn't it? After living in Los Angeles for 11 years now I've discovered (always known) that it is NOT  at all IMPOSSIBLE, but a huge commitment to save and purchase a house. However, in the last couple of years I've evolved. I've become a strong believer in this: "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change." I also believe one of the most important ways to live is in GRATITUDE. My strong feeling is that the only way I will ever have the things I dream of and arrive in the place I want to be in life is to truly love and appreciate where I am and what I have in the NOW.

In my current place I decided to treat it as my house. Within the first week I had the walls painted, installed new window treatment and I ordered a custom built table from Ink & Wood Inc. From then on as soon as I walked in the front door I was in my "House." The spirit in my home is that of peace, love and happiness. No matter what state I am in this place excepts me with open arms and no judgment . I am so thankful for it.

Sharing my house made my place feel like what home is supposed to feel like. These days my house is filled with laughter, little furry visitors (doggies), tears, yummy food, good music, amazing conversations, wine and chocolate. So I say IF YOU BUILD IT... build your home and friends will come, build your confidence and success will come, build your team and growth will come, build your patience and understanding and peace will come. KEEP BUILDING. I dare you.

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